Chronicles of the Blade is a Craab based movement devoted to Street Hockey and Motorball. This movement derives its name from the fact that both these sports are played on in-line skates or, as they are commonly known, "Roller Blades." Street Hockey is much like Ice Hockey except that it is played on asphalt or concrete, making it more accessible than its icy counterpart. The majority of our games are played in the parking lot of Emerson Elementary, found on the northeast corner of University and Westwood, in Mesa. Motorball is a sport of our own contriving, inspired by the sporting event, of the same name, found within the pages of Yukito Kishiro's post-apocalyptic cyberpunk saga Battle Angel Alita. It is a high contact race where teams fight for control of the Motorball while completing circuits around a track. The majority of our Motorball events are held on the Wheelchair Course located on the Mesa Community College campus, which is found on the southeast corner of Southern and Dobson, in Mesa.

Friday, February 16, 2001

Hockey: February 16th, 2001

Friday, February 16, 2001 was truly a blessed night... for some. For others it was an evening of something other than total hockey-bliss.
Though our numbers were small at the first, and the start being delayed by a number of mishaps, we were blessed with arrival of squad of young ruffians who offered to join our game. The cones and hockey balls were retrieved from the back of a large vehicle that had been ever so faithful in bringing the equipment in the past, but on this particular occasion a special team had to be ordered out to obtain the necessaries, due to the trucks apparent immobile state. (Or maybe it was just the owner of the truck who wasn't going anywhere...he has confessed his sin and is fully pardoned on account of his forsaking this transgression in the future). Teams were evenly divided, with Boo McAllister and Elliot Williams as captains, and play began. Details are few (mostly because I don't remember much). There was an obvious rivalry between the two captains as they were repeatedly found locked in combat over posession of the ball throughout the night. Both squads proved to be worthy opponents and there can be no denouncing of anyone who played.
Those that do need a good beating are those who considered it better to spend the evening consumed in their association with girls or history classes. But we will let that matter rest, and allow them to act as their conscience directs. For the time being, suffice it to say that the realm of Hockey has been reopened and a rebirth of fire and speed has come at last. May you all join us in the future to engage in the thrill of speed and the neverending struggle for the small spheres that become us.

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