To Tim for becoming the first CRAAB father
To Iris for emerging victorious in her battle against pregnancy
To the little Boyle for making it here OK
Emerson's parking lot, MCC's Wheelchair Course, and Deep Space . . . silent, so very, very silent. Spring Break came and went and the silence remained. There have been many theories formulated to explain this phenomenon but Aaron Shepherd said it true when he said, "We should have played Hockey this week." Yes, Aaron, we should have. I apologize for the silence on my end. Things were . . . hectic. Beyond the smaller turn out of our last game, and then the absence of games these last two weeks, things are going well. Here it is the 19th of March and we have already past the total number of posts in February. All of the site's links and "extras" are up and working. We also had a (record) 64.075882353% turn out at the voting poll, which was somewhat controversial because it delved into the true identity behind The Chronicler. Steve received one vote, Chris received one vote, Josh received one vote, and Bruce Laborin received one vote, but the mass consensus identified The Chronicler as Tim Boyle, with a sweeping six votes. As The Chronicler, all I have to say is, you couldn't be more wrong. I wanted to keep my identity a . . . "secret" doesn't seem right to say . . . a less known fact, because I wanted The Chronicles of the Blade to be fair, equal, and devoid of agendas, opinions, and biases. This can only be done if an unknown entity, also fair, equal, and devoid of agendas, opinions, and biases is the one who moderates and maintains the forum. I can conceal my identity but I cannot conceal my personality, and therefore I think it has become a little too easy to identify who I really am. So no more charades. I will maintain the title as The Chronicler when dealing with this forum, but no longer will I continue under the pretense that my identity is a secret (as of late, I am the only one who thought it was). I am Kohl Glass, I am Katana. You can call me what you want but don't you dare call me late for dinner! -The Chronicler

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