Chronicles of the Blade is a Craab based movement devoted to Street Hockey and Motorball. This movement derives its name from the fact that both these sports are played on in-line skates or, as they are commonly known, "Roller Blades." Street Hockey is much like Ice Hockey except that it is played on asphalt or concrete, making it more accessible than its icy counterpart. The majority of our games are played in the parking lot of Emerson Elementary, found on the northeast corner of University and Westwood, in Mesa. Motorball is a sport of our own contriving, inspired by the sporting event, of the same name, found within the pages of Yukito Kishiro's post-apocalyptic cyberpunk saga Battle Angel Alita. It is a high contact race where teams fight for control of the Motorball while completing circuits around a track. The majority of our Motorball events are held on the Wheelchair Course located on the Mesa Community College campus, which is found on the southeast corner of Southern and Dobson, in Mesa.

Friday, February 16, 2001

Chronicles of the Blade: Feruary 16th, 2001

The first week of Chronicles of the Blade is behind us and as of Wednesday there have been three posts . . . all from me. The voting poll was used a little more than the Forum was. There were 13 votes, which means that there were at least eight people who went to the web site (5 of the votes were mine). I guess even forums are subject to inertia. I want to take this time to declare that Chronicles of the Blade is not solely for the announcement of Motorball and Hockey games. It is for the expression of views, opinions, thoughts, questions, ideas and discoveries. A place where the love of Motorball and Hockey is the common bond but not always the subject. For example it was recently pointed out that there is an up coming movie called "Rollerball" which has an uncanny resemblance to our very own Motorball. The trailer can be viewed at
Now that is something isn't it? Did Hollywood executives finally discover Battle Angel Alita but failed to get the rights? Or is Rollerball's similarities to Motorball only a facade? Which individual will sacrifice time, money and possibly intelligence to satisfy the curiosity of the group? Things to think about. Things that could be posted on Chronicles of the Blade by one who is not me. There will be Hockey, Friday the 16th 8:30pm at Emerson Elementary and we hope to have a good turnout since A) the planning process was held democratically and B) Friday night games tend to not want for the lack of players. See you there.

-The Chronicler

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